#23 Balut from Philippines

In previous posts, we have introduced many special food from different countries so far and most of them just looks very normal and generally accepted.

Well, it’s time for a bizarre food~~ (eww…sounds creepy~)

In this post, I am going to introduce a dish that the Pilipino see it as a common one.


Picture below may be eerie and made you feel uncomfortable

This is the Balut from Philipines and it is the developing duck embryo which is the fertilized duck egg that is boiled and eat it in the shell.


The locals prefer to have it with seasoning like salt or chili. Some eat it with garlic and vinegar too.

Here’s a video to show how a local eat the balut:

I hope this open your eyes to a different kind of dish from different countries. 🙂

(p/s: Information gathered from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balut_(food))