#22 Egg waffle from Hong Kong


Hi there! Do you have any idea of the food in the picture above?

Let me introduce you one of the famous Hong Kong street foods – the egg waffle! 🙂


It is very unique in its honeycomb shape and rich in aroma of cake

This egg-shaped mini waffle is very popular in Hong Kong especially among school kids and it has always been the long standing street food in Hong Kong.  It is made of simple ingredients like flour, sugar, milk and egg and are made with coal fire heating. This simple but tasty snack gives a hollow inside and crispy shell.


Hollow in shape

According to information gathered, this traditional street food of Hong Kong is originated in 1950s. The original egg waffle has a golden colour and rich in aroma of egg. Nowadays, the egg waffle has come with  different flavours like chocolate, strawberry and some even decorated in shredded coconuts or black sesame.


A man is making the mini egg waffle in the street

Here’s a link to see how the egg waffle in made:

Hope you enjoy watching 🙂

(p/s: Information gathered from http://travel.cnn.com/hong-kong/eat/kids-pick-best-hong-kong-street-food-209428; http://en.christinesrecipes.com/2010/09/hong-kong-style-egg-waffle-original.html; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egg_waffle)